Sunday, June 11, 2006


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Introduction to Marketiva
What is Marketiva?
Marketiva is a market maker for instruments traded on the over-the-counter foreign exchange (forex) markets. Through Marketiva, you can buy or sell instruments like EUR/USD, GBP/JPY and others. Marketiva also provides services like discussion channels, latest forex news, trading signals and alerts, charting services and many more.

How do I open a Marketiva account?
You can apply for a Marketiva account at:
Open Marketiva account.

May I open a demo account and try the system first?
Because you can have a live and a demo trading desks within one Marketiva account, you can try the system using the same account you can later use for live forex trading. In any case, you can open your Marketiva account for free!

What if I do not understand some of Marketiva's legal statements?
Do not become a Marketiva client until you have completely read, understood, and acknowledged the legal information on web site. If you do not completely understand some of the information, you may consult a competent legal advisor or contact us with specific queries at:

How much money do I need to start trading with Marketiva?
With its industry-leading platform, Marketiva allows you to start trading in forex market with as little as $1! Due to their strict lot specifications, most of other forex brokers require at least $500 to start with.

Can I open two accounts?
Marketiva has very strict "one person one account" policy. No matter if an account is in good standing or is cancelled or closed, we do not allow same person to hold two different accounts. If our administration system detects there are multiple accounts registered by the same person, such account holders will be required to provide supporting documentation. In case there are severe violations of this policy, Marketiva may block any access to such users.
NOTE: This policy was introduced as a response to many related misuses Marketiva has experienced in the past.

In MARKETIVA you can:
  • Buy and sell major currencypairs and cross rates with one mouse click.
  • You can start trading withas little as 1 $.
  • Open your account for freeand get 5$ cash reward soyou can start trading rightaway.
  • Spreads between bid and offer prices are among thetightest in the forex market.

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